Work experience for Springwest Academy

It was a pleasure having two students join us last week from Springwest Academy for a hands-on experience of working in a PR team. Owen and Koby were an asset to their school and both delivered creative projects during their time with us. Find out more about them here.
Tell us about yourself – e.g. age, hobbies, family, background
Koby: I am 14 years old, have two siblings and I’m from West London. In my spare time I enjoy learning new things and looking through social media.
Owen: I am 15, I live in West London and I have three brothers. The thing I like most to do in my spare time is to read, as it allows me to develop my imagination and also to better understand other people. I also really like to listen to music as it helps me to unwind if I am stressed or bored.
What was it that interested you about the MRM work experience?
Koby: I am interested in finance and public relations and I am keen to learn more about both topics. So, when my careers teacher told me there was a chance to do that at MRM I was very keen to take the opportunity.
Owen: I’d never really considered a career in finance or PR before, so I was really interested to broaden my horizons and to learn about sectors I had little knowledge of.
What have you enjoyed the most from your week at MRM?
Koby: It has been really fun learning how PR works, something which I didn’t know about before. It has also been great meeting everyone at MRM. I’ve heard some great stories and each person has taught me something new.
Owen: I have enjoyed meeting everyone at MRM and understanding how they got to where they are.
What is the best skill you’ve learned from the experience?
Koby: My time at MRM has helped me better understand how a successful business operates and all of the things that need to be in place to achieve that success.
Owen: The best skill I have gained is the ability to work in an office environment. Before this week, I thought office settings were quite daunting but this experience has given me a lot more confidence for when I start my own career.
What have you found most surprising about financial services?
Koby: I have been surprised by how broad the sector really is. Most people only interact with their bank or insurer and probably don’t realise there are loads of other businesses operating behind the scenes that play a big role in keeping the economy running.
Owen: The thing I have found most surprising about financial services is how there is no set route into financial services and everyone’s story is different.
What is one tool/gadget/app you can’t do without for school?
Koby: It’s a bit of an obvious answer but definitely Google.
Owen: Google Docs/Word – they are excellent for writing notes and completing set activities
What one thing would you do if you were Prime Minister for the day?
Koby: I would probably try and improve schools and education, such as adding learning life skills to the curriculum and making sure we know what higher education routes are available for us.
Owen: I would try to help with the cost of living crisis.
What is the one website that you visit every week?
Koby: I visit it a bit more than once a week, but Spotify
Owen: The one site I visit every week is Twitter.
What would you do if you received £10,000 unexpectedly?
Koby: I’d have a bit of a spending spree, but I’d also give some to my parents and the rest of my family. I’d put the rest in an account for when I’m older.
Owen: I would probably put most of it into a savings account, although I’d use a bit of it to go shopping.