Want to see some really weird uses of technology?

Disaster of all disasters struck this month when my iPhone was stolen on a night out in central London.
In the days that followed, I began to have iPhone withdrawal symptoms…how was I going to survive without my phone constantly beeping at me giving me live Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin and email notifications? And most importantly, what was I going to do on the train in the morning without Temple Run?! In fact, it was here, whilst desperately looking round the carriage for something to keep me entertained, that I noticed the vast amounts of people glued to their iPhones, smartphones, iPads, tablets and laptops etc. Okay, I realise we are in the mobile age but I hadn’t quite grasped fully just how obsessed we had all become with technology.
A quick bit of Googling led me to uncover a few scary statistics that highlight how addicted to technology society has really become. Firstly, a recent survey found that there will be more mobiles than humans in 2012. A similar survey – also from this year – found that Apple has made more iPhones than humans have made babies.
So, I thought it was a good time to refresh myself on the latest developments in the mobile world.
The most bizarre that I found is in the form of airline KLM’s Meet & Seat. Here, before a flight you have the option of viewing passenger’s Facebook or LinkedIn profile details and see where they’ll be sitting – in order for you to have a ‘more sociable flight’. Now, personally, this sounds like my idea of hell, but it seems to have done the trick for the airline – at least in terms of media coverage – being picked up by publications such as The Sun, USA Today, The Economic Times, Vanity Fair and even The Times of India.
I came across several other bizarre uses of technology, that, while not strictly mobile, are still worth mentioning here.
Examples include dropping an iPad from space, a TV advert specifically targeted at dogs and a face-recognising billboard. Throw in an invisible car and you think you’ve seen it all!
Even the financial world has been seen to be pushing the boundaries, with Virgin Money’s latest PR stunt using advances in projection technology to create this fantastic 3D projection on Senate house – possibly inspired by Nokia’s Lumia launch which saw Nokia pair with Deadmau5 to create a 118 meter projection on the Millbank tower.
In a world obsessed with technology, you need to think outside the box and you need to think big, but the end result could just get you the media attention you were after. I just can’t wait to see what’s next.