Not much going on in October ;)

At risk of this becoming a running theme in this column – not much is coming up in October, right? Right??
Having written this monthly piece for some time now, it’s easy to get swept away with a series of fairly mainstream, perfunctory events.
The new price cap level starts 1 October. Awesome.
UK inflation reports on 19 October. Great.
Monthly UK GDP is on 12 October. Smashing.
You get the idea.
But the benefit of hindsight in recent months is that, well, predicting what is actually going to happen is an absolute minefield.
September has entailed a sequence of events perhaps more extraordinary than any other time in my (now more than a decade) journalistic career. True, I missed out on the Great Financial Crisis, but I most certainly was here for Brexit.
Although things feel febrile like Brexit, the gravity well consuming the news cycle feels much more powerful today.
It’s hard to digest, especially when the Bank of England does stuff like save the entire global economy, casually, on a Wednesday morning, by guaranteeing to buy gilts, in the midst of a 10% inflation crisis.
It’s all just gone a bit wacky.
But what can we do about it as journalists, communications professionals, etc etc.? React, then react some more.
Obviously, my job here is to flag important dates to you, and as such plan your lives around some kind of functioning, non-psychotic schedule.
But we’re not in those days anymore. I expect things to become more unstable before returning to something resembling normality. But then, who really knows what ‘normality’ is going to look like in the future? Hold tight, everyone.
So, what other on-diary events do we have to look forward to?
It World Financial Planning Day on 5 October.
The latest US employment report comes out 7 October. It’s World Mental Health Day on 10 October, as is the latest ONS UK employment and wages data.
On 29 October the Heathrow capacity cap ends. And finally on 31 October is Halloween.
Happy spooky season everyone. Wishing you all the best from MRM and Mouthy Money.