MRM Summer Intern: Two Mins With… Georgina Eaton

Tell us about yourself. What are you studying at university?
I am in my final year of an undergraduate degree in French and Politics at the University of Nottingham. I have spent the past year abroad, as part of my degree, working for a financial PR agency in Paris and also completing an internship in public affairs in Brussels.
What was it that interested you about the MRM internship? What did you hope to gain from the experience? How did you find working remotely?
After working for Steele and Holt, a financial PR agency in Paris, I decided that I would like to further my experience in this field by exploring financial services PR in the UK. I hoped to develop a broader knowledge of financial institutions and the importance of good PR in ensuring success for a business. I certainly left the internship having achieved my educational goals!
Starting an internship from home was a daunting prospect, but I was soon comforted in my first few days which were packed with one-to-one introductions, team meetings, client meetings and fantastic communication which allowed me to balance my workload without feeling overwhelmed. All of this was made easier by my buddy, who guided me throughout the internship.
What positives on a personal level have you taken from the internship?
One of the big positives I have taken from my internship with MRM is the valuable relationships that I made throughout the company. I was able to learn in-depth about financial services from experts, and I was given the opportunity to explore areas that I was particularly interested in, which included writing an article that featured on the consumer finance blog, Mouthy Money.
What financial tip or fact have you learned during your internship?
If possible, invest your money. Having cash sitting around is your least valuable asset!
What did you find most surprising about financial services during your time at MRM?
That financial services is extremely broad and encompasses a lot of different industries.
What is one tool/gadget/app you can’t do without for working/studying?
It would have to be my MacBook Pro and AirPods (I am a sucker for an Apple product!)
What three things would you do if you were Prime Minister for the day?
- Put university fees back down to £3,000 a year
- Boost health and social care spending
- Hold an immediate referendum on the existing EU deal and campaign to remain
What is the one column or website that you read every day?
I browse over the BBC News app every morning when I wake up, followed by the FT or Telegraph.
What would you do if you received a windfall of £10,000?
Try and clear some student debt…!